Quick Links for Blogger Customization

This is a collection of useful links related to blogger customization.

Table of Contents

  1. Navigation Menu
  2. Short Codes
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Topic List by Label
  5. Blogger Tags & Attributes
  6. Blogger Theme Styles and Ideas
  7. Useful Links

Basics of Blogger Theme

Here are some useful getting started articles on how to create a blogger theme from scratch:

Navigation Menu 

A navigation menu is required to provide an easy way for the users to navigate to different set of topics in a professional way.

Below are some of the Navigation Plugins that you can use, in the order of my personal preference:
  1. CSS3 Drop Down Menu
  2. Multi Level Horizontal Tabs - MyBloggerTricks
  3. Different Styles of Simple Drop Down Menus

Short Codes

Short codes are like macros which enables us to add/format content in a simple & easy way, instead of repeating the entire code each time, the same functionality is required.

Table of Contents

Adding Table of Contents to a post provides easy navigation of different sections in the post as well as provides a bird's eye view of different sections in the post.  

This article explains how you can create table of contents for your blog post without code, although its a bit manual process. In case you would like to try an automated way, the article at the end lists few options that you can give it a go.

Topic List by Label

This article explain the steps for creating a list of topics of a particular label in a widget or blog post dynamically.

Blogger Tags and Attributes

  1. Blogger Data Tags - List of blog & post tags like blogid, blog title, postid available in blogger.
  2. Blogger Attributes - List of useful blogger theme related articles from BloggerBook - Blakbin.
  3. List of Blogger Tags (b Tags) - Details about blogger b-tags like section, widget, includable, include, loop, if, switch etc.

Notable Blogger Theme Styles and Ideas

Grouping Posts by Label in Main Page

When you write about a variety of topics, it would make more sense to group posts by label instead of the displaying the posts by date which would be jumbled up.

Here are some of the themes which does this:

    Other Useful Links

    1. Automatically Making External Links to Open in New Window
    2. Custom Label Search Options in Blogger

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